Invoice conditions

1. Application

The contractual relationship between the Customer and Euro Soap is governed by the general (contract) terms and conditions and any applicable special (con-tract) terms and conditions noted on order forms or in actual contracts, supplemented by the provisions of this . The application of purchasing or other conditions of the Customer is expressly excluded.

2. Quotations

All price calculations, quotations and other offers of shall only be of an indica-tive nature and shall not be binding, unless indicated otherwise by written.
The Customer is responsible for the accuracy and completeness of the data provided by him or on his behalf necessary for the price calculation. The Cus-tomer shall always ensure that the requirements to be met by the performance are correctly, precisely and completely defined.
All quotations for the performance of certain activities are always on a cost-plus basis, unless the parties expressly agree in writing that one or more of these activities will be performed at a fixed price.

3. Price and payment

All prices are exclusive of VAT and any other taxes or levies. Unless otherwise agreed, all prices are always in euros and the Customer must make all pay-ments in euros.
If the Customer is a collaboration of, or consists of several natural persons and/or legal entities, they are jointly and severally liable for payment of the amounts due.
All invoices are payable at the registered office of . Unless otherwise agreed in writing, payment must be made within 30 days of the invoice date, and in eu-ros. All costs of payment shall be borne by the Customer. Payment by bank transfer, bill of exchange or any other means cannot be accepted as a waiver of this provision and does not imply novation.
All complaints or remarks concerning an invoice must be made by registered letter with reasons, with a copy by e-mail, within 7 days of the invoice date.
If the confidence in the Customer's creditworthiness is shaken by acts of judi-cial execution against the Customer and/or demonstrable events which call in-to question and/or make impossible the confidence in the proper performance of the commitments entered into by the Customer, the latter reserves the right to suspend further delivery of its Services and to demand suitable guarantees from the Customer. If the Customer refuses to do so, it reserves the right to cancel the entire order or the remaining part thereof, and, if applicable, to claim compensation for the damage suffered and lost profits.
If the Customer is a company and does not pay the amounts due or does not pay them on time, the Customer shall be liable, without any notice of default being required, to pay default interest on the balance still due at a rate of 12% per annum. In addition, the Customer shall owe a fixed compensation on the entire outstanding amount in the amount of 5% (with a minimum of € 200), wi-thout prejudice to the right of the Customer to claim a higher compensation for the damage he proves.
If the Customer is a consumer and does not pay the amounts due or does not pay them on time, a first notice of default will be sent taking the form of a first free reminder in accordance with Articles XIX.2 and XIX.3 of the Economic Code. After the expiry of a period of at least 14 calendar days starting on the third (working) day after the reminder was sent to the consumer or -if the re-minder is sent electronically- starting on the calendar day following the day on which the reminder was sent to the consumer, a default interest of 12% per annum will be due on the outstanding balance, and the debt balance will be in-creased by a € 20,00 damage clause if the balance due is less than or equal to € 150,00; €30.00 plus 10% of the amount due on the tranche between €150.01 and €500.00 if the balance due is between €150.01 and €500.00; and €65.00 plus 5% of the amount due on the tranche above €500.01 with a maximum of €2. 000.00 if the balance due exceeds € 500.00.
Partial payments are always accepted with all reservations and without preju-dicial acknowledgement, and attributed in priority to any legal costs incurred, then to the interest due, then to the damages clause, and finally to the princi-pal sum. The non-payment on the due date of a single invoice makes the due balance of all other invoices, even those not due, immediately payable by ope-ration of law.
The Customer's option to suspend its payment obligations (non-execution ex-ception or exceptio non adimpleti contractus) is explicitly excluded, as is the Customer's option to proceed to compensation of mutually owed amounts.

4. Liability of

The liability of shall be governed by the general and, where applicable, special (contract) terms and conditions. These shall apply to any contractual rela-tionship between the Customer and , regardless of the terms and conditions of the Customer.

5. Applicable law and disputes

The agreements between and the Customer are governed by Belgian law.
In case of disputes, the Belgian courts have exclusive jurisdiction. The corpo-rate courts of the judicial district of Ghent, section Ghent, or the court of First Instance West-Vlaanderen, section Kortrijk are competent.
© Euro Soap, version 01/2024